Pomham Rocks Lighthouse

Riverside, RI


Pomham Rocks Lighthouse is only accessible to the public and FPRL members through escorted, guided boat tours provided by the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse (FPRL). No private boats, canoes or kayaks are permitted.

On Monday, March 3, 2025, the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse will welcome Captain Howard McVay Jr. to speak at Weaver Library in East Providence. Captain McVay has been helping pilot the Lady Pomham II on trips to the lighthouse. Captain McVay is a former ship captain on the Narragansett Bay who will be talking about his adventures on board his ship. Light refreshments will start  at 6:00 . The presentation will be from 6:30 – 7:30. Open to both FPRL members and general public.

For more information or to order a license plate, click here

Pomham Rocks Lighthouse c.1900