Riverside, RI
Pomham Rocks Lighthouse is only accessible to the public and FPRL members through escorted, guided boat tours provided by the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse (FPRL). No private boats, canoes or kayaks are permitted.
Now booking for the 2025 Season
For more information or to order a license plate, click here
Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse has a long history of attracting the most interesting and talented volunteers. If these volunteers were paid for their service, it would be difficult to gauge their value, because the talent that they display is priceless.
One volunteer who exemplifies and brings such value to FPRL is Charlie Gruetzner. He has brought his rich and varied experiences to Pomham Rocks as both a volunteer and a board member and has added tremendously to maintaining a first-rate operation. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Fire Prevention and Protection, a Master of Science Degree in Human Resources Management, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Management and Decision Sciences.
Much of his professional career has revolved around fire sciences and marine-related occupations. Not only was he a Lieutenant on the White Plains, NY fire department, but he also served as an Adjunct Professor at Mercy College, Yorktown Heights, NY, teaching undergrad courses in Environmental Health and Safety Management, later serving as Dean there overseeing three master, sixteen bachelor and five associate degree programs.
When Charlie reached out to volunteer at Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, he stated that he was looking for an active organization that could use his talents. What mostly stood out to FPRL about Charlie were his most recent experiences as a Marine Surveyor for Oceanis Marine Services, Inc., in Peekskill, NY. His surveys of small craft and yachts, yacht deliveries, marine safety consultation, and accident, fraud, and fire investigation skills all made him the perfect choice to come on board as Pomham Rocks’ first-ever Fleet Captain.
While with FPRL, Charlie has served as a board member, first mate and museum docent. He has participated in several work parties, most notably helping with the construction of the new picket fence. He has conducted training of the captains and first mates for the annual USCG inspections and in his spare time, Charlie searched and traveled far and wide to find our secondary boat, a 2008 Century 1801 Center Console.
Needless to say, Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse found an invaluable ally and volunteer in Charlie Gruetzner. Some people just have a knack of showing up at the right time.